Thursday, December 27, 2012

A breath of fresh air

As if the market has taken cue of the various complaints and "sighs' yesterday ,things are
looking much better today...Volume has doubled that of yesterday 's noon performance..All things
being equal everyone must be looking forward to a stellar year end closing .hopefully premised upon
a broader based window dressing exercise...

Some GLCs have moved with more aggression today and if this trend continues it will go a long way
to giving more confidence to other laggards to move along...Confidence among retailers is key to
a more robust market...Nobody likes to lose forever or sit on assets that give negative returns !

Keen market observers should be able to "catch" low premium call warrants and ride the upside in
line with the mother share...Seasoned players can sometimes make returns of close to 100% in a few
hours "work" literally ...returns which only  trading on futures can provide...on the other extreme it would
take something like 10 to 15 years ( even taking into account interest compounding ) to do the same with certain time deposits ...And that is what makes the stock market so different...

If and a big "if " the year end momentum continues it may be wise to search out yesteryear favorites for
a possible trading opportunity ..A sustained volume build up is normally a requisite to such possibility

And for more conservative investors sitting out ,an upward thrust can still mean increased paper gains or
reduced losses...not too bad either way...

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