Sunday, December 23, 2012

Getting it right...

As correctly guessed or speculated the world did not end and we are on safe ground ..
ready to embrace the new year with renewed vigour and conviction...

Now how nice would it be if we can as easily rightly speculate the movement of share prices..
so much headache and heartache will be avoided and everyone goes home happy...If only...

Other than the few privileged ones aka the "insiders" lesser mortals like the most of us will have
to resort to all types of trading and investment techniques to get it right .Countless hours are spent
learning and mastering the chosen technique or cocktail of techniques only to be frustrated at times
by unexpected turn of events...I personally know of many fundamentalist investors who have painstakingly
built up their share portfolios and just as they were about to realise their hard earned gains ,some unfortunate
events occurred which in some cases literally wiped out their paper gains...and everything went back to square one ...

There is really no fool proof method of getting it right all the time .The often advocated method of setting
a cut loss point can be counter productive if it is set too low or too high..Stock manipulators may guess your
game plan based on technical charts and easily flush you out unnecessarily.In addition some stocks are rather
illiquid and that can throw technical analysis readings off course...perhaps a more practical route would be
a methodology based on your own analysis of the chosen stock or stocks...If stock price movement is as
unpredictable as the weather itself why should one restrict himself to any one trading technique,one should not try to apply quantitative science to an art form...Quantitative prediction techniques including charts and various software applications are helpful tools but are far from being sufficient for real life trading...a serious
trader should incorporate subjective elements like the average human trading psychology .unexpected news
developments and many others to increase his chances of getting it right..simply put there is no short cut your homework and leave the balance to fate...

Have a wonderful weekend..

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